College Sports Evaluation


We partner with the leading technology companies in the industry to get the best results.

Top Technology Partners

In efforts to effectively capture the objective scoring measures while evaluating a player’s skill level, CSE has partnered with the top technology companies in the sports industry to provide the technology necessary to accurately capture speed, power, and beyond.

Blast Motion

Blast Motion is a premier provider of human performance measurements. Blast delivers the industry’s most accurate motion sensor, combined with an integrated suite of software analysis and coaching tools. CSE will use the Blast technology to provide multiple hitting swing metrics. The technology uses auto-edited video clips to analyze angles, power, connection, rotation, and more. It’s a tool that will allow our college coach evaluators to assess athletes based on quantifiable data and find specific areas for improvement.

fastpitch batting

Top of the Line Velocity and Pitching Measurement

We are working on an agreement with two major players in the game to assess athlete's skills at the highest level. Each offer metrics of unbeatable standards. We will announce soon who they are!

Ryzer Mindset Troutwine Athletic Profile (TAP) Test

The Ryzer TAP Test has been used since 1984 to measure athletic traits such as mental toughness, coachability, and decisiveness. While these characteristics play a large role in the value that a player can bring to a field, they aren’t measureable in the same way that the speed of a throw can be, for example. It was Dr. Robert Troutwine who began assessing athletes and searching for a method to measure these traits and thus gain a more complete picture of an athlete’s performance and abilities.

baseball team

TAP Traits

The TAP test takes about 25 minutes to complete. The following 12 traits are measured on a 1-100 point scale to determine an athlete’s mental game. The results will place the athlete into one of eight different ‘athlete types’. Each type responds to situations differently, and the test provides tips for both coaches and parents to help their athletes improve their mental game.

Mental Toughness





Growth Mindset

Attention to Detail


Mental Execution

Focus Speed



Let's See the Numbers​

We recognize that hard data is the easiest way to compare athletes. It’s black and white. The athlete either throws faster than his or her competition or they don’t. Receiving an analysis with quantifiable data is one benefit of College Sports Evaluation that you don’t get with other sports camps or showcases that claim to offer college readiness evaluations for sports. This data, combined with feedback from a professional and experienced college coach evaluator, creates value for young athletes and parents who are hoping to play collegiately that isn’t found anywhere else on the market.

baseball player